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One year ago, Simon Stewart and I founded The AI Shop with little more than an untested idea and a shared vision: to use our skills and the power of AI to help others achieve more and do better. Looking back, it’s been a year of learning, growth, and opportunity, and we want to take a moment to pause and reflect on our journey – and invite you to celebrate with us!

We’ve learned…
That in a world full of jaded expectations, there are still many passionate individuals who care deeply about their work. They’re the ones frustrated by the tedium and inefficiency of everyday processes – whether it’s a board member tired of group-think, a lecturer overwhelmed with grading dozens of essays, or a small business owner unsure of how technology can give her an edge.

We’ve stumbled…
When we thought we were domain experts. These moments quickly reminded us of the power of partnerships and true collaboration. They’ve been pivotal in shaping the company we are today.

We’ve brought…
The magic of AI, machine learning, data science and software development to solve real-world problems in media, education, law, and governance, saving companies a ton of time and money along the way. With new ventures in financial services, digital transformation and HR on the horizon, we’re very excited about the future.

We’ve been awed …
To see the technology improve before our eyes, making uses cases that were unreliable even a couple of months ago, very doable today. It’s humbling to think that the AI we have today is the worst AI we’ll ever have.

We’re evolving..
Our business model from bespoke products to selling useful AI-infused products at scale and we can’t wait for 2025.

We’re grateful for…
The open source community who in various ways have taught us so much. And for friends, family and clients – whom we also consider as friends – without whom none of this would be remotely possible.

Ekow Duker

co-Founder and CEO

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